Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Movin' On Up (click me!)

Today was a banner day for MS and the IFR Pilot. After some casual conversations, we decided that it was time for us to divest ourselves of our beloved 78S.

*sniff, sniff, tear, tear*



So, we did. We reached an agreement in principle today to acquire a 1979 Piper Arrow IV. Actually, the IFR Pilot's a bit surprised that it happened as fast as it did; thought it might take several months of loooking to find the "right" plane, as 78S was very nicely equipped and there was no reason to settle when it came to a new plane.

But, in life, all things are meant to happen, so you gotta roll with the punches, even if you get hit much sooner than expected.

She's He's** a sweet bird, see fer yerself:

Like with a new child, everyone wants to know the vital statistics. Here they are: 3189 hours total time, 1200 hours since factory engine overhaul, 439 hours since installation of the kickin' McCauley three-blade prop. Apollo GX-50 GPS with MX-20 MFD. Two MAC-1700 digital coms (used to have one of those in 78S before the GNS 430 upgrade, they store 10 frequencies on both the nav and com sides). Garmin 340 audio panel and 327 digital transponder. GEM digital engine monitor. Piper Autocontrol IIIb autopilot. Brand spanking new paint and leather interior.

Kids, the IFR Pilot's in love. Seems like MS is too. He keeps mentioning that he wants to do unmentionable things to this airplane. You all should stop drooling. Sure, the IFR Pilot's going to have to sell one, maybe both, kidneys to afford it. But hey, why should I leave any money for me heirs???? *snicker, snicker*

We're tentatively scheduled to pick her up Memorial Day weekend, if all goes as planned. Stay tuned for updates, 'cuz we gotta fly her from San Diego to our home base in the Buckeye State. Can you spell "
A-D-V-E-N-T-U-R-E"??? Of course, if any of you would like to explain the best route to cross those pesky little Rocky Mountains, we'd be most pleased to hear from you. Soon. Very, very soon.

We're certainly going to miss 78S. Hopefully JP or JS, or someone else at the Home Base, will want to acquire her, and pamper her like we did. We've got no complaints about how she treated us the last few years, especially given the way she faithfully took the IFR Pilot and Dadster all the way to Alaska and back. I know that we're definitely going to miss that awesome Skytech Flyweight starter that just got installed a couple of weeks ago. We had a great partnership, four great guys that love to fly. Boys, here's to each of you!


** In honor of the fact that the plane will be referred to as "Two Mike Hotel," the IFR Pilot has unilaterally determined that this airplane is a male, not a female!


Colin said...

Congratulations on the new plane! Great looking bird.

As you fly north from San Diego you owe it to yourself to head out over the Pacific for lunch (or at least a breakfast picnic) at KAVX, Avalon, the Airport in the Sky on Catalina Island. It's an incredible spot to see the Pacific meet the coast.

Lunch should then be at Matthews at KPRB (Paso Robles). Way better than anything at an airport could be, and I'm not sure why. Almost like the airport is the civilized point in the county. If you are heading East instead of North, I've heard Lancaster has a good airport burger, but that's not the same as Matthews.

I find Voyager (runs on Windows) invaluable in flight planning.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Sure is a nice looking bird. Maybe I'll see you take off from San Diego (my home base) on your way out.

Anonymous said...

damn, that's agood lookin plane.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the purchase. Don't worry about the kidneys....you don't really need them but you DO need that Arrow. As long as you're going on an adventure, why not cross the mountains at Vegas?

Echoing the above, I like Voyager, too. Very useful.

Avimentor said...

Nice looking plane. If you need help ferrying it ...


Anonymous said...

I suggest the "low route" since you are ferrying a plane that you have not flown a lot. Gives you a lot more options if you run into difficulty.

Best of luck!
-Nick Kliewer