Friday, May 06, 2011

An Update

N62TB still remains in the family, so might as well fly it. SM and I did a little instrument currency flight last night: ILS 23 @ CAK twice, followed by the LOC 25 at AKR. All went well, and it was a lot easier pushing 2TB back into the hangar with the tires properly inflated!

Here's a nifty map of all the places the IFR Pilot has logged a takeoff or landing via light aircraft:


Norman said...

I envy you the time you spent in Alaska, now there is an adventure on a plate.
Congratulations on the 700 hours, the next milestone should come quickly - good luck.


Ashley said...

I'm totally envious!

JetAviator7 said...

Seems like you have gotten around a lot, looking at all of the pins on your map.

It's a lot of fun to fly around the country to different airports, something I did more of when I was becoming a commercial pilot.

Don't get around quite as much anymore since retirement.

Helicopter Flights Melbourne said...

Flying in Alaska would be amazing, so remote and isolated you would really have to be on your game up there.

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Ride the Wave said...

what a great hobbie!!! I live in Hawaii near the Dillingham airfield. Almost everyday I go for a swim by the end of the airstrip. The gliders take a sharp turn right over the beach (less than a 100') and then swoop in for a landing. They seem to take an almost vertical dive at the landing strip before leveling. Crazy but looks like so much fun!

Here is a great flight simulator software for all of us who can't afford a plane